historical performances
3 new releases
timeline of the 5 operas
Alchemist Stone

Magic 5

Part of our MAGIC FIVE

in fact there are FIVE Operas around the ONE famous opera Magic Flute!

We present each one on a single page (click!)

connecting aspects on ONE meta-web-site:


The “ring”

According to the title “Ring des Nibelungen” by Wagner, who made a giant work of FOUR operas with a total playing time of 19 hours the biggest opera in history, people are just speaking of the “ring” in reference to the mighty finger-ring.

The word “ring” is so much attached to this cycle that we propose titles for these 5 operas around the Magic Flute of Mozart:

  • Schikaneder-Ring (except for Sarastro all libretti are written by him!)
  • Magic-Flute-Ring (yes, definitely all 5 are complementing THE one Magic Flute!)
  • Magic-Ring (Magics, Mystics is content of all these operas.)
  • Magic 5
  • other proposals?

In the Wagner ring “Rheingold” is prologue to the rest, this is why I number the magic 5 Z0 for Stein der Weisen and Z1 thru Z4 the rest.